
BSc Interior Design Course in Bangalore / Bengaluru. For Admission Call Trinity Education +91 9986894664

BSc Interior Design Course in Bangalore / Bengaluru. For Admission Call Trinity Education +91 9986894664 What is Interior design? Interior design is all about how we experience spaces. It’s a powerful, essential part of our daily lives and affects how we live, work, play, and even heal. Comfortable homes, functional workplaces and beautiful public spaces are all the product of intelligent interior designing. The best interior designers make it look easy, crafting spaces that anticipate our needs and appeal to our emotions, but in reality a broad set of skills and technical knowledge is required for this seemingly effortless task. Interior design has changed dramatically since the early 20th century when it was just beginning to emerge as a legitimate profession. As India globalizes, foreign multinationals outsource & off-shore their services to India. However, as tastes evolve, the Indian consumer has become more demanding in their expectations - both in terms of spa